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Les Dames Du Lac(ladies Of The Lake )
(Marion Zimmer Bradley)

The legend of king Arthur and the knights of the round Table revisited by an enthusiastic and imaginative author. If Merlin Enchanteur, Arthur and Excalibur, Lancelot and its valiant companions are present, they are the women who ménent the dance; Viviane, Ygerne, Guenièvre, Morgane.. envoutant account which report the fight of two irreconcilable worlds, that of druides and the old beliefs which hopelessly defend a lost paradise and that of the new Christian religion orchestrated by sectarian monks. More than one account, a manner of living released from the human constraints ordinary and tinted fairyhood. The history starts told by Morgane, usually described like the enemy mortal of Arthur, one it A discovers human though slightly blood of the fairies, subjected to the constraints of its time, as in the tragedies where fate falls down no matter what one does.

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