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Understanding A Friend

A little history. 3 years ago I dated this fellow for three months. He is now 39 and I'm 36 and never been married before and has had any real serious relationships. After 3 months, I tried to end it because he didn't seem like he was really into me but wanted to know if we could be friends. We would go out on ocassion and he would make the move on me just about every time. I resisted most of the time because I didn't feel comfortable since he just wanted friendship. We are both strict Catholics and would never let things go too far. Since I'm looking for a serious committment and he seems to be only interested in casually dating me, I decided to try to end this again and not return calls. I even blocked his phone number on my home phone but then he would call my work or cell phone and leave messages saying he missed my pretty face or he had something important to ask me. I would take him back and be in the same boat with him again (casually dating). I'm 36 and also never been married but would like to be and have children as well...he knows this. He has lived with his parents for most of his life but will be moving out in three weeks into a home he recently purchased. He's not a mama's boy, has a great career, very handsome, and very responsible. I would love to get serious with him but do you think there's a chance that he will want to after living alone in his new home? What kind of game is he playing with me? Yesterday I decided to give him another chance since he answered yes to my question: ?do you want to be more than friends?. We went out to dinner last night and that was it. He did put his arm around me and kissed my goodnight but didn't mention when we would get together again. Is he desperate for a friend to go out with on ocassion or is he playing games with my head, secretly in love with me but won't admit to it, has trouble getting close emotionally? Believe it or not, he is everything I have ever looked for in a man but without the committment. Is there a way to get him to become emotionally involved with me because I know the physical chemistry is there? I've asked him a year ago whether if he thought there was potential to get serious down the road and his answer was, ?I don't know?.

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