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I, Robot
(Isaac Asimov)

This book is facinating in that it makes the reader challenge their ideas of democracy and a free society from the very beginning.It makes the reader question what it takes in order for western society to thrive with all our daily commodities and resources eg,education,technology,transport.The former is a question that runs throughout the story as it is symbolised through the persecution of the robot.
Taking place some time in the future,"I,Robot" depicts a time where humans have come to rely on robots as an essential part in their day to day lives,just as we would now regard a car or dishwasher.The robots are used as additions to familys in the carrying out of everyday mundane chores,thus providing humans with more freedom and liberation in their lives from these essential but time consumming activities.
The robots funtions bear all the similarities to that of slaves in the deep south.Only they do not exist but are merely programmed to carry out these duties.However the story goes on to suggest that one of the many thousand of droid like robots has begun to develop its own personality and conscousness.If this is the case then the issue of human rights for robots comes into the equation.Lots of questions arrise with parallels to the slave trade and the clever idea of a black male protagonist who is untrusworthy of robots and has a clear misunderstanding of their developing capabilities.He refuses to accept their essential part in society and their growing capabilities and yet when a crime is commited he automatically links it to one of them believing that the crime being murder is in their repertoire,again echoing the ignorance shown to minority groups through racism and prejudice .This is a clever story that asks a lot of questions about how democrisy thrives ,robots are used to highlight repression in the same way that repression has been experienced through the centurys by many cultures.Whereas then it would have been excused as being accaptable because black people for example were not regarded as equal human beings to whites so to in the book are robots not regarded as having any characteristic funtions that would bare semblance to the supperior human race and thereby allowing their exploitation to continue .

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