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Dream Psychology
(sigmund freud)

Dream psychology would bring the reader into the fact ? the still ongoing argumentation among its researcher ? that dream is not merely ?nothing but sea-foam?. Dream is the expression of the dreamer?s psychical act. Its origin, its psychical influence in awake life, its disturbance in asleep state, seems to compel notice. The rise of scientific thought shape the possibility for the dream to be transferred into psychological matter to facilitate the dreamer to reveal the ?special notice? carried in it.
According to this book, the popular view holds firmly to the belief that dreams really have got a meaning, in some way they do foretell the future, whilst the meaning can be unravelled in some way or other from its bizarre and enigmatical content using psychological investigation arose from psychotherapy. Dream needs to be broken up into ?its elements? to search the ?link of each fragment?. After series of careful investigation, the author reach one conclusion that the dream, in general, consist of manifest and latent content. The latent content transform into manifest content base on the motive or motives that have made the transformation exigent. That transformation process namely as ?Dream Work?. From the standpoint of the relationship of latent to manifest dream-content, dreams can be divided into those which have a meaning and are intelligible, which allow us to penetrate into our psychical life, those are indeed self-coherent and have a distinct meaning, but appear strange because its unability to reconciled with mental life; and those dreams which are belong to void of both meaning and intelligibility, incoherent, complicated, and meaningless. In general, this book widely open our horizon of psychoanalisys of the dream; what lies behind those psychical-during sleep phenomenon, what posibly its special notice to our awake life, to draw a better understanding about our psychological state

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