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Rozmowa Mistrza Polikarpa Ze ?mierci?

Polish literaly image of motive Dance of Death is a composition"The Speach between master Polikarp and Death". Polikarp is an anusual person, but learned graduate who ask God if he could see death in full magnificence. In spite of this that he prayed about her appearing, he is terrified when she entry. Death is horrify of her macabre appearance. It is a feminine corpse in state of devoid mouth and nose. From eyes flows bloody tears. Skin is shining of cadaverous glow. Death is boasting before Polikarp with her strength: I'm in love with human sin, and this I will never give up, I will deprive everyone of clerical and secular life. Do not have to be afraid of death those who live accordantly with commands. This picture of death is acting threefold function: is terrifing, admonishing, calling to conversion.

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- Death Is Not An Option

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