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Kat And Hot Eyes

There once was a girl named Kat. She had always been a bit of a dreamer. She considered herself a little odd in the whole romance category, because she never found anyone who quite understood how she thought and felt. She had always thought that people really did ride off into the sunset on white horses and that people really did fall in love and stay in love. Everyone told her that it was very unrealistic to expect a bolt of lightening accompanied with music, sunsets and rain. All at the same time, when it came to love. She decided that she was unrealistic after many many many people told her that her dreams of a prince charming were dumb stupid and very childish. So Kat met a special person and went about her business happy and content, but always having the dreams of needing, passion, desire, understanding and a complete connection. So one day Kat decided to take up lets say......... Football. So she went to her first football practice. She was introduced to her......... Football coach..... the coolest, sweetest, hottest, most fun, most forgiving, most compassionate, most passionate, most romantic stud she had ever met, his name was Hot eyes. Hot Eyes was the best person that Kat had ever known and she started to feel that maybe she wasn't all that crazy. "Could I possibly really have a soulmate", was a thought that often ran through Kat's heart and head. So Kat and Hot eyes started to talk on the phone and hang out and "ARE YOU KIDDING" have a lot of really great "moments" together. People thought they had a crush on each other, BUT THEY DIDN'T. They loved Red balloons, sunsets, the rain, sappy love songs, and doing strange things like staring into each others souls and feeling each other breathe. They instantly realized that they were meant to be together and they knew that they had met each other for a very special reason. They laughed a lot and cried a lot together. There was only one minor little detail.They were both already married. Kat had married a dude named Big Mouth. Hot eyes had had married a chick named Psycho Fam. Kat and Hot eyes were really good people and they had a lot of really great people around them who would be very heartbroken if Kat and Hot eyes ran away to San Francisco, Switzerland or Las Vegas. Hot eyes and Kat really didn't want to hurt anyone and they had always tried their entire lives to do what was right. They were really sad because they found the person that they wanted to be with , but the timing really SUCKED. But they knew that they had met for a reason and both of them knew with all their heart that they would one day be together. So they were very patient and went on with life, each day was one day closer to when they would be together and one day closer to understanding why the were seen fit to receive such an amazing relationship. They talked a lot, but not every day, to save hurting anyones feelings. They helped each other through good and bad. They always knew that they were each loved by the other more than anyone else had ever loved

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