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Pablo Neruda
(Os melhores poetas)

PABLO NERUDA Neftali Ricardo Reyes,Pablo Neruda pseudonimum,chilene poet, was born in Parral on July 07th
1904.Spent the infancy on Temuco ,countrys south and in 1921 moved to Santiago,studied at the Pedagogic Institute of the Chile University and began to write his firts poems,reunied in Crepusculario(1923)under the pseudonimum of Pablo Neruda,legally adopted in 1946.The next book,Viente Poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada(1924)=[twenty love poems and a desperate song] marked by emotion,shows misery in a poetic language.Pablo Neruda was consul of Chile in Rangum,for five years represented his country in several countries.
married with Maria Haagenar in 1933 wrote,Residencia em la tierra, a deep pessimistrelated to the world.Inpirated b comunism,jointed to the marxism and wrote Espana em el corazon(1937).
In 1945 was elected Chile Ambassor for the comunist partid,afterwards hunted and abandoned his country.In Soviet Union,during his exile years won the prize Lenin of Peace and wrote his masterpiece:Canto General.
Pablo Neruda returns to Chile in 1952,with the re-stablishment of political liberties and makes home at Isla Negra,in Pacific.Writes Odes Elementales(1954),Cien Sonetos de amor(1959),Memorial de Isla Negra(1964),A espada incendiada(1970).
In 1971 receives the Nobel Prize Of literature and is named chiles ambassor in Paris until the state deal that sepulted Salvador Allendes govern.
Pablo Nerudo has died in Santiago,in 04.23.1973 and his autobiografy,Confesso que he Vivido,was published in 1974 and it is witness of the poet and his time.

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- Cem Sonetos De Amor

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- Pablo Neruda

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- As Uvas E O Vento

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