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World Famous Anecdotes
(Sukdev Prasad)

Thus Met The Lovers
The story of romance between Marie Skalodovaska and Pierre Curie is very interesting as hope blossomomed in their hearts after a lot of disappointments.
Manya?s (Marie Skalodovaska) elder sister Bronya wanted to study in Sorbonnr at Paris. Manya also desired it but financial stringency was an obstacle in the way. Manya accepted the job of governess in Paris. The son of the family for which she worked, Kasimir, was studying in Warsaw University. He came to Paris to spend his vacations. On first sight, he fell in love with Manya Marie Skalodovaska.
When Kasimir?s mother came to know about it, she vehemently opposed it and said that she would not accept a governess as her daughter-in-law.
Being unsuccessful in her first love, Marie Skalodavaska decided to devote her entire life in service of science. Pierre Curie was also in Paris those days. He was in the same boat as Marie. Women had no place in his life as he also received a setback in his first love affair.
It was sheer coincidence that both met each other at the residence of Prof. M. Kovlasky who had come on a tour to Paris. Marie herself has given an interesting description of this meeting. ?When I reached there, 35 years? old Pierre Curie was standing near a window. He appeared to me a very shy person. I was immediately attracted by his straightforward and casual appearance.?
At that time Pierre was head of Physics and Chemistry Institute. He had made a name as a leading scientist on account of his research. The French government paid him a paltry sum of 300 francs as salary. He could not think of marriage because of his low salary but he has also lost his heart to Marie. It was with great hesitation that he put the marriage proposal to Marie. She gave her consent gladly and in 1865, Marie Skalodavaska became Madam Marie Curie.

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