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Epistle To The Colossians
(The Bible)

In the New Testament book of the Bible, Paul sends instructions to the Colossians, the church located in Colosse. This is evidently a church Paul personally did not start, as he writes that some of the leaders there have never met him, but he continues to hold the church in his prayers and in his thoughts.

One of the reasons for Paul?s letter is to say he and those with him have heard of the Colossians. They are praying that the people may live lives pleasing to God and bring forth fruit in every good work and also for God?s strength and patience and joy in them.

Paul also recounts what he has done for the church and what he has suffered for it, but states he has done all with joy. He is in prison for preaching the gospel at the time he writes this letter.

Word has reached Paul and the followers with him in Rome that non-believes have infiltrated the church at Colosse. Paul reminds the people not to be deceived by the wrongful philosophies, empty words and promises of these people. He reiterates the fact that the people have received Christ as their Lord, and no one can judge what they do or say if they are living for Christ. Paul warns them not to be taken in by those who preach such things of this world, such as the worship of angels, or following certain regulations as far as what to eat or what to wear. The lessen Paul wants the people to know is that Christ is completely adequate and that the heresy being taught by some in Colosse is totally inadequate.

Paul gives the requirement for people who have been raised with Christ: to set their minds on things above and not on earthly pursuits such as greed, sexual immorality and idolatry. The people need to turn to the things of God: kindness, patience and forgiveness. Especially forgiveness. Paul encourages the people to forgive others with love. Paul also gives some rules for living in love with one another, such as children obeying their parents, wives loving their husbands and slaves working as though they are working for the Lord, and not a human master. They need always pray, be watchful and thankful. Paul requests their prayers for him as well.

He tells the people to see that they complete their work they have received from the Lord. At the end of the letter, Paul sends greetings from people known to the Colossians that are with him in Rome.

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