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The Clan Of The Cave Bear
(Jean M. Auel)

The clan of the cave bear is a work of fiction but it is remarkable in it's illumination of human nature. Ayla, the main character, is left alone when her parents die. She is taken in by a clan that is a group of Neanderthals. The adoptive parents look after Ayla and show her love but there are those in the clan who treat her roughly. She is different with her blue eyes and is also a very capable huntress. Ayla is repeatedly attacked by one of the clan members and bears his child. After the child is born she once again finds herself an outcast and is scorned and rejected by the Clan. The story is rich because it tells so poignantly the story of someone who is very special. Ayla is a Cro-Magnon and must overcome the hatred of those who only see her strangeness and the fact she is different from the rest of the clan.

Ayla travels to dark places in her struggle to survive. She finds herself alone for a winter in a cave without the warmth and support of anyone to help her. This heroin also braves many dangers including facing the cave bear. Perhaps the most difficult struggle is the struggle she must face from the bitterness of being an outcast. The best part of the story is when Ayla goes to a clan gathering and spots from a distance someone else with blue eyes, another Cro-Magnon. Like many who survive the human struggle Ayla is learning that she is not completely alone.

As a footnote, I wonder how many truly brilliant, special human beings in recent times have been hated or abused because they are different. In this story of the dawn of Cro-Magnon man, an important step in human evolution, those who were different were abused. Fortunately for us, all that ugly hate could not stop the coming of a new age.

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- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

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- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

- The Clan Of The Cave Bear

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