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World Famous Anecdotes
(Sukdev Prasad)

Dr. Samuel Johnson was the first to prepare an English Dictionary. He first arranged the words in alphabetical order. But, instead of writing the meaning of the word, he wrote its full definition.
His reason for doing so must have been that the reader could fully understand the meaning of that word. For example, after the word ?cigarette? he wrote, ?Cigarette is tobacco wrapped in paper. On its one end is smoke and at the other end a fool?
Dr. Johnson was very fond of good food, but he simply hated cucumber. His friends were aware of his distaste for it.
A close friend thought of ratlling him and asked, ?Dr. Johnson, what is, in your opinion, the best way of taking cucumber.? Dr. Johnson instantly understood the reason behind this question, but he posed as if he did not resent it. Calmly he answered, ?As far as I think, the cucumber should first be thoroughly washed. Then it should be softly cut into neat pieces and arranged in a beautiful plate. Salt and black pepper can then be sprinkled and if possible vinegar or salad be added if you have a taste for them. And?..?
The friend was delighted with all these details regarding preparation of cucumber, hastily interrupted, ?And, then it should be eaten.?
?No sir,? Dr. Johnson said in a satirical vein, ?The arranged plate then should then be taken to a window and thrown outside.? Then he added in an angry tone, ?It is not worth eating.?
The friend was speechless by that time. He took Dr. Johnson?s permission to leave, then the learned doctor reprimanded him, ?In future, do not ask such silly questions.?

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