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The Gold Miners' Rescue
(Dave & Neta Jackson)

The Gold Miners? Rescue
Adam Christian was the winner of a scholarship award. His school was the famous Industrial and training School in Sitka, Alaska.
Adam was very nervous as he sat with the other thirteen boys awaiting his interview with Dr. Sheldon Jackson. The winner of the scholarship would travel with the Doctor all the way to Washington, D.C.
Adam was from the Tananan tribe from the Yukon and he wanted to escape from Alaska and find his own way in the white man?s world.
So Adam won the scholarship award above the kids from all the other Eskimo, native and white schools in the state.
He was well on his way to fame and fortune. This was what he was in search of. Some of his own people begged him not to forget his own people of where he came from.
Adam merely sciffed at his backward beginnings and could not wait to get away. But he was doomed for disappontment. Dr. Jacjson left for Washingtom immediately but left Adam behind until the fall.
Adam filled in his time, somehow.
There were thousands of starving gold seekers in Alaska. Adam was surprised but delighted when Dr. Jackson agrees to take Adam with in a journey to save these miners from starvation
Eagerly Adam says good-bye to his folks and hometown and sets off on a journey that would bring him many hardships. But at the end of it all he knew saving the miners would bring him fame and fortune, that?s all that mattered.
The journey takes him all the way from Alaska to Norway where some reindeer are to be bought and brought back by ship to help feed the miners.
Adam?s ship wasn?t out to see before things started to happen. First men became seasick and then a terrible storm came up. The storm lasted for days, washing men and even some reindeer overboard.
And then if that wasn?t enough, the bales of reindeer food starts to run low. The animals begin to weaken and some even die. The herders had to stop in Skagway, Alaska and wait for the reindeer to fatten up and gain strength. The herdsman allowed the animals to graze on the rich moss for them to fatten up.
All this idel gave Adam time to think. He started thinking about what he had learned from the Bible. Any one seeking riches and fame always had their plans fail and fall flat on their face; sometimes people that tried their best to follow God?s will for their lives became really happy and sometimes really important.
He finally decided his own people at the mission needed the food as much as the starving miners. He talked Dr. Jackson and the other herdsmen into herding the animals to the mission. It was then that Adam truly felt he was someone- when he started to help his own people.
He had traveled all the way around the world seeking fame and fortune only to return home and realize this was where he was needed. His fame and fortune had been right there under his feet all his life if he had only known it. Isn?t this the story of a lot of us?

Resumos Relacionados

- Paradise Lost, Book Eight

- Genesis

- Adam

- In Love With Romeo(1)

- Paradise Lost, Book Eleven

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