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World Famous Anecdotes
(Sukdev Prasad)

All religions conference was held in Chicago in America in 1893. Swami Vivekanand to speak on Hinduism and its philosophy. He was to address the conference on 11th September. When he rose to speak, he found the slogan ?Hindu religion ? a dead religion? inscribed on the board on the dais. Unperturbed, he began his address with the words, ?My American sisters and brothers?. The entire audience was so enthused by this address that they greeted Vivekanand with a loud applause and clapped for a couple of minutes. The reason for this enthusiastic applause was that this oriental sanyasi had given the first place to women and then addressed them as members of the large family of human race. The audience did not know that in Hindu culture women always have a higher place and the saying that this whole world is one large family is ingrained in our ancient culture.
This created a lasting impression on the assembly. Though only five minutes were allotted to each speaker, the President, Cardinal Gibbons requested Swamiji to continue speaking. He spoke for more than twenty minutes and the large gathering heard him with rapt attention about the basic tenets and philosophy of Hinduism. Swamiji became very popular in America. The newspapers brought out articles about him on the front page saying that such an intellectual giant had never visited their country in the past. Thousands became his disciples.
In his speeches during his sojourn in America, swamiji laid stress on the goodness of Hindu religion. He asserted that this religion has the capacity to absorb all that is good in other religions. What he wanted to convey was that there is no dogmatism in Hinduism and it looked upon all religions with the same respect. The Indian culture and psyche was based on the concept of human brotherhood, tolerance for others and large-heartedness. While traveling in America, one woman asked Swamiji that why he is wearing American shoes when he is wearing Indian clothes? Swamiji replied with a disarming smile that these shoes have been given by local people and hence I wear them. I shall leave them here when I go back to India.

Resumos Relacionados

- World Famous Anecdotes

- Hindu Dharma

- Swami Vivekananda

- Reminiscences Of Swami Vivekananda

- Life Of Swami Vivekananda

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