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Paradise Lost, Book Four
(John Milton)

In Book IV, Milton opens with an insight into Satan?s mind. He does this to show the contrast between Satan?s character from when we originally saw him in Book I. He is no longer Satan, the just fallen angel as he was in Book I, he has become a smaller person and has lost much of his great character.

In his soliloquy, he looks towards Earth and contemplates all his actions and the options that are now open to him. After deliberation, he comes to the conclusion that his only recourse is evil and he must either destroy or divide God?s kingdom, creating an area for himself to rule over. Uriel, who has just given Satan directions towards Earth, notices that as Satan is thinking, his face reveals conflicting emotions. Satan is in the garb of a cherub, and Uriel realises that the cherub that he sees is not really an angel since an angel?s mind is always at peace. Uriel goes off in haste to warn Gabriel of what he has just seen.

Satan continues his journey towards Earth to act on his thoughts and feelings. He heads for the Garden of Eden and Milton compares him to a thief who leaps over the wall, since the garden is difficult for him to access. Satan now disguises himself as a cormorant, a preying bird and sits on top of the Tree of Knowledge to scope out the garden. Satan is impressed by what he sees, yet nonetheless, he begins to plot his destruction of God?s creation- Man. Satan admires the pair and admits that he could love them, but later changes his mind, sticking to his original plan to destroy them and the peaceful life that they have in Paradise.

Gabriel is guarding the gates of Eden. Uriel informs him that the false cherub is arriving this way and Gabriel says that noone has come so far. He adds that he will search the garden with his assistants so that he will catch the intruder by the morning.

In Eden, Adam and Eve prepare for bed. Adam reminds Eve that they must work tending the Garden, keeping nature within bounds. He also reminds her of their one condition from God?not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Then, hand in hand, they enter their bower for bed, where they enjoy the sexual love of husband and wife and fall asleep.

Outside, Gabriel prepares to search Eden for the intruder. While conducting the search, 2 guards, Zephron and Ithuriel find Satan in the bower of Adam and Eve. The devil, ?squat like a toad,? is beside Eve, whispering in her ear, trying to produce nightmares. Gabriel, questions Satan about his motives for entering Eden. Satan craftily replies that he has come to scout out Earth since the ones in Hell seek a better place. He says that he had not come to do evil. Gabriel accuses Satan of shifting arguments and orders his immediate departure from Eden, threatening to drag him back to Hell in chains if he does not do so himself voluntarily. In anger, Satan rises to his full height, and we note now how much he has diminished. Yet his presence is great and Gabriel and his troops prepare for battle. This requires the intervention of God who cuts the conflict short by holding up a pair of golden scales in the sky. Satan realizes that he cannot overcome God?s will and flies away into the night.

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