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Romeo And Juliet
(William Shakespeare)

On the streets of Verona, Italy, men from the house of Capulet come to blows with men from the house of Montague. In response, the Prince promises death to anyone again feuding in his streets. The Montagues muse about their son Romeo's reclusive mood, and their nephew Benvolio receives Romeo's confession that his dejection stems from unrequited love. Elsewhere, Lord Capulet invites Paris, a young nobleman, to his house tonight, to woo Juliet at a feast. Romeo and Benvolio intercept an invitation to the party, while Lady Capulet instructs her daughter to note Paris's worthiness as a husband. At the feast, Juliet catches Romeo's eye, and Romeo catches Tybalt's: Capulet must restrain his hot-tempered nephew from brawling. Ignorant of the dispute, Romeo has approached Juliet, and the two quickly fall in love and kiss. As they are pulled away, each discovers the fateful parentage of the other. That same night, Romeo scales the Capulets' garden wall and spies Juliet, and the two exchange vows of love across a balcony rail. Romeo asks his close friend, the Franciscan monk Lawrence, to perform a marriage service, which the Friar does in the hope of reconciling the enemy households. Romeo remains unconcerned about a challenge from Tybalt. Not long later, Benvolio and their friend Mercutio encounter Tybalt, and Romeo comes to their defense. When Tybalt stabs Mercutio, Romeo kills Tybalt in vengeance. Banishment is the punishment handed down from the Prince. Following the Friar's order, the young lovers bid farewell and Romeo hurries to Mantua, where he will petition the Prince to return and reconcile all, including the families' feud. In the wake of their nephew's death, the Capulets have decided to rush their daughter's marriage to Paris. Juliet hurries to Friar Lawrence after her father threatens to disown her if she does not consent to the arranged marriage.Still sympathetic to the young lovers' cause, the Friar instructs Juliet to give her consent, but then to take a potion that will cause her to appear dead. When she is entombed in the family vault, Romeo will retrieve her, informed of the plan by a letter from the Friar. Juliet follows the instructions perfectly, and her mourning family lays her body in the family tomb, not far from Tybalt's corpse.In Mantua, Romeo learns of Juliet's death without receiving Friar Lawrence's instructions. He buys an illegal poison and rushes back to Verona. When Lawrence learns his letters did not reach Romeo, he too rushes to the Capulet tomb, hoping to catch the young groom. Romeo reaches the courtyard, where, challenged by Paris, he kills the nobleman. Romeo takes the apothecary's poison, kisses Juliet, and dies, only moments before Juliet wakes and Friar Lawrence arrives. Seeing her beloved dead beside her, Juliet stabs herself. The families and the Prince soon find the children, and their common grief allows them at last to overcome their common rancor.

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