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The Nerve
(Melvyn Bragg)

Often in the past I have drifted into book shops in Ireland whilst waiting to pick up my sons from University and stumbled upon quite accidentally a range of extraordinary writers and bought their books!
On one occasion, I spent about one hundred pounds in a Dublin BookStore and grabbed the opportunity to read each book week by week!

I finally touched down on Melvyn Bragg the Broadcaster and Writer and indeed I appreciate that he is now
Lord Bragg - for years if possible I watched him on television and enjoyed the SOUTH BANK SHOW presenter was indeed Melvyn Bragg - he has an unerring knack of bringing the arts home to roost and of giving the practioner of the arts a chance to involve oneself in the work and writing of great and little artists!

This book: The Nerve is described as a jolly good read by the following writers/critics:

New Society
The TImes
The Observer
Sunday Telegraph
The Sunday TImes

and now myself/great to see great writing in print!

The story centres round an August Bank holiday, when Ted Johnson awakes and confronts his past life in Cumberland his present life in London and his fantasies!

He seems to have a touch of bad vision about him as its described in the book by Melvyn Bragg ... he has an inflamed nerve that troubles his eye and which results in the highs and lows described herein ...

The Nerve - was written in 1971 and draws a remarkable portrait of a man's courageous fight to keep his mental balance and regain a sense of identity amid stress in modern society!

Later, in 1994, I received a letter from Melvyn Bragg about my writing! I was so excited to open it and read


Yours sincerely

Hope you enjoy this book!

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