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When You Hurt
(Lou Torok)

When You Hurt by Lou Torok is meant for everyone inasmuch as all of us at some time in our lives experience pain of body, mind or spirit. It is clear, convincing and easy-to-read. Torok's objective is to suggest that there are ways to cope when we are in pain and to turn our crosses into sources of peace and concern for others who may be suffering more than we. The booklet's recommendations are based on Christian perspectives of the problem: He says that, we can understand and cope with suffering by pondering it in the pain and suffering of Jesus. The introduction presents a varied slate of people -- nuns, priests, acquaintances, professional people -- whom the author helped with extraordinary personal problems with his prayers and messages of advice and encouragement. He dedicates this book to all of them. Chapter One describes the continuing relationship Torok enjoyed with Mother Teresa of Calcutta, via letters, phone calls and personal meetings. She counseled him: Mother Teresa once told him that in His passion Jesus taught us to forgive out of love and to forget out of humility. Thus, Mother Teresa became Torok's personal saint throughout his life of writing, suffering and counseling. The remaining eleven chapters comprise a lode of powerful spiritual riches and personal encouragement for the reader. In Chapter Eleven, Life Is Not Fair, he finally recommends a universal remedy for hurt -- the virtue of hope. He says that hope is not just something to develop when your entire world is turned upside down. It can be used to bring peace and happiness, any time the worry and anxiety of daily life become more than we think we can handle. These little gems of wisdom, spread liberally through the book, make When You Hurt a treasure trove of invaluable spiritual insights. Following the pages of philosophical and theological material is Chapter Twelve entitled Healing Prayers and Thoughts. It is a twelve-page compilation of thirty prayers, meditations and poems from various saints. These can counsel and console many who suffer the problems, hurts and pains of daily life. When You Hurt will sooth aching bodies and souls with a complete inspiring answer. It is, indeed, a mini-bible of love and consolation. This is an excellent book for all.

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