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The Jester
(James Patterson;Andrew Gross)

The title appears to be boring for those who are not enthusiastic readers, but it is a book worth to be known and no reader should find it boring.

The novel begins in a small french village of Veille du Pere, in 1096, where Hugh and his wife Sophie live. One day, the Army of Crusade led by Peter the Anchorite passes through the village. Hugh refuses to join it but enlists with the army of one of French comtes instead, as he is promised to be made free from his liege Baldwin in return.

On his way to the Holy Land he makes friends with two other travellers. Upon their arrival to Antiochia, a virtual slaughter is launched in the city. Inside one of the churches, Hugh is wonderously saved from death and as a souvenir, he takes from the church a stick he finds at a dead priest's body.

Hugh deserts the army and goes back home only to be told that his wife had been raped and probably killed, together with his newborn baby that he never saw, and his inn is burned to the ground. In search of a revenge, Hugh decides to go to Baldwin's castle; by a twist of fate, he ends up at a Boree castle where princess Emilie takes care of him.

Hugh is offered help by Anna, and he is taught to become a jester, which is only natural to him as he used to belong to a troupe when he was younger. Finally, he gets to Baldwin's castle where he learns it is not Baldwin who is guilty of his wife's death.

The mystery of the actual murderers is revealed when during one of his duels Hugh is enlightened with the fact that the stick he had stolen is the same spear with which Christ's body was pierced; the ones who destroyed his home were looking for the holy relic.

People of various villages in France join Hugh, attracted by the power of the relic, to help him find those who were guilty. The murderer turns out to be Anna's of Boree husband; Hugh and his followers begin a long and tiresome siege, which they finally end with seizure of the castle. To celebrate the victory, the King of France comes to Boree, who is now revealed to be Emilie's father.

The book ends when Hugh and Emilie fall in love and marry each other, and their baby girl is given the name of Hugh's first wife - Sophie.

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