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The Shadow Of The Wind
(Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

How can one book change your whole life...? Plenty of books on several shelves.. Thousands of pages.. and hundreds stories.. Pick one. And you will soon find out that the truth is -- only as special and intriguing book as Zafon's "The Shadow of the Wind" would take you for a long journey through your own corridors of reader's imagination... The best way to get to know - what is reading, what is the love for books, what is the point of the story...
When I had waken up after the last sentence of the book, I realized I knew very little about intrigues of our Fate that makes us fight for what's most fragile and die for what's most important - Love. Though it is not only love that Zafon gives us to understand.
Several faces of love - son-to-father love, boy-to-girl love, friend-to-friend love and finally - love to art of writing. Love more unrewarding than dreaming... A book stronger than the writer's imagination that influences somebody's life so deeply. Endlessly. The cursed book and a writer that tells us what your life will turn into with and without it. And the most fascinating and thrilling emotion that comes to us, readers, when we find ourselves inside the story. When we start feeling as if we have always been the one to lead the words...
Great reading experience. Nothing more than the air that we breathe in post-war Barcelona, in the old bookshop run by a father and a son.. Nothing less than one simple rule: choose and don't tell anybody what you chose. It will find you somewhen. Maybe at the cafe? Maybe somewhere else, where you have never been...
There are books that remain on your mind forever, living their own lives... "The Shadow of the Wind" is one of them, undoubtedly.

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