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A Game Of Thrones
(George R R Martin)

I was first introduced to Martin's epic world of politics, royalty, fantasy, love, lust, betrayal, war and power when tripping over it (literally) at a friend's house. At over 900 pages, he had finished reading Game of Thrones and decided to use it as a doorstop - he was feeling frustrated at the two year+ wait for the next installment.... In spite of his frustration, he told me to go buy a copy and read it (he wouldn't lend me his copy as he was planning to re-read it over and over again until the next book came out). I have never regretted taking his advice, as it introduced me to another world altogether.

This novel is a richly crafted, multi-layered, well thought out masterpiece of fantasy and politics. Not only does the book introduce you to enough characters to require a geneological tree, it gives each and every character depth and purpose, filling them out well throughout. One of my favorite aspects of Game of Thrones is the fact that you become so involved with each character you find yourself rooting for the "bad" guys just as often (and sometimes more) than the "good" guys. Another great thing about this book is that I have finally found an author who is not afraid to kill off a sympathetic character just because the reader likes them. If the character's demise (or political exile, or lingering disease, or...) is the best thing for the plot as a whole, out they go, sympathetic or not.

Along with the fresh story line, vivid details of countries, worlds, cities, places and people, and fantastic character development, Martin has infused the novel with some of the most diabolical political maneuvering and scheming since Machiavelli's masterpiece The Prince. I was consistently surprised and enthralled by the twists in the plot, which somehow managed to remain believable in spite of the amazing risks Martin was willing to take with the story.

In short, the novel was a hearty, satisfying escape from this world into Martin's. I could not wait to read the next book in the series. Fortunately for me, as I came late to the series, I did not have to wait for long. Unfortunately for his other readers, they had to wait two years! Would I recommend this book to a friend? Absolutely. If you enjoy political maneuvering among gorgeous, vivid worlds ranging from colorful and decadent deserts to isolated worlds of ice and monsters while fully developed characters are constantly in motion, then you will love Game of Thrones.

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