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I Love Mask Diy- Moisturizing Mask


1. Yoghurt orange moisturizing mask

Ingredient: 1 teaspoon of yoghurt, 1 orange, 1 teaspoon of oat.

Yoghurt orange moisturizing mask able to clean the clogs and toxins in the pores to enable free of sebum, in order to adsorb and lock the moisture effectively for the skin.

Blender, bowl, teaspoon.

Step1: wash orange put into blender, blend until juice.
Step2: place all the ingredients into bowl, use teaspoon to stir until even and paste.
Step3: to smear mask evenly on to face.
Step4: kneading till the mask shed
Step5: wash with warm water.

Cost: $0.50
Skin type: all skin type

2. Yoghurt pear moisturizing mask

Ingredient: 1 pear, 2 teaspoon of yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of oat.

Discharging oil rapidly, clean the dirt and toxin, contracts pores, to advance metabolism of cells,
In order to adsorb moisture and nourishment, to enable the healthy skin, feel fresh and cool.

Blender, bowl, teaspoon.

Step1: wash pear put into blender, blend until juice.
Step2: place all the ingredients into bowl, use teaspoon to stir until even and paste.
Step3: to smear mask evenly on to face.
Step4: kneading till the mask shed
Step5: wash with warm water.

Cost: 0.50
Skin type: all skin type

3. Mango milk moisturizing mask

Ingredient: 1 mango, 100ml milk.

Mango contain rich of vitamin A which enable skin cell full of energy, clean the precipitate dirt, to
cause skin adsorb moisture rapidly, looks clear and soft.

Bowl, teaspoon.

Step1: peel off the mango and smash it.
Step2: put mango smash and milk into a bowl to stir till even and paste.
Step3: to smear mask evenly on to face.
Step4: leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Cost: 0.80
Skin type: all skin type

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