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The Killing Club
(Marcie Walsh ; Michael Malone)

The Killing Club is a suspense filled novel that will keep you onthe edge of your seat. No one really remembers what happens in high school. At least that is what we like to think. Those words have been spoken many times in many cities. Are they true? Not for Jamie Ferrara and a group of her friends form high school. In the small town Jamie grew up in many of her high school friends have started dying. Why is this shocking? Unfortunately, Jamie and her friends outlined the murders in detail, in their killing club ten years before. Who is carrying out these murders? Has their friend who they thought had committed suicide come back to wreak havoc on their lives? Jamie and her fiancé Paul, detectives for the small town of Gloria, will solve the murders; if Jamie?s old love interest Garth doesn?t get in the way. Who will win the game?

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