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Ode On A Grecian Urn

Stanza I:
- asking questions arising from thought and raising of the abstract concepts such as time and art;
- comparison of the urn to an `unvarnish`d bride` prepares for the impossibility of fulfilment and violence
- the urn exists in real world but it`s `touched` not by the time of real world

Stanza II:
- the first 4 lines contrast the ideal( in art, love, nature) and real
- the last 6 lines contrast the drawback of frozen time
- advantages of frozen time

Stanza III:
- recapitulating of ideas from preceding 2 stanzas; reintroducing of some figures:the trees which cannot shed leaves, the musician and lover;
- ideal life on the urn as one without disappointment and suffering

- ability of art to stir the imaginaton, so that the viewer sees more than is portrayed
- the poet imagines the village from which the figures on the urn came
- the poet begins to withdraw from his emotional participation in and identification with life on the urn
- focusing on communal life ( the previous stanzas described indyviduals)

Stanza V:
- the poet observes the urn and remembers his vision

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