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February 14 is the day of the year,
to renew love and friendship
with those you treasure most.

But remember to celebrate
love, the rest of the days in the year too! :-)


There's nothing like a valentine,
To make a smile appear,
A heart-shaped card filled with kind words,
Sent from someone who's dear.
A friend or even a relative,
Who takes the time to say,
I like you just because you're you.
That's what is done this day.

~Martin Shaw~


1/2 cup Hugs
4 tsp Kisses
4 cups Love
1 cup Special Holiday Cheer
1/2 cup sweetheart hugs
3 tsp cinnamon hearts
2 cups Love and Kindness
1 bag of Valentines
1 medium-size bag of great big red hearts
(the regular kind won't do!)

Blend all and sprinkle with lots of love!

~Author Unknown~

The legend says St. Valentine
Was in a prison cell
Thinking of his little flock
He had always loved so well
And wanting to assure them
Of his friendship and his love
He picked a bunch of violets
And sent them by a dove.
And on the violets' leaves
He pierced these lines divine
That simply said, "I Love You"
And "I'm your Valentine"
So through the years that followed
From that day unto this
Folks still send messages of love
And seal them with a kiss.
Because a Saint in prison
Reached through prison bars one day
And picked a bunch of violets
And sent them out to say
That faith and love can triumph
No matter where you are
For faith and love are greater
Than the strongest prison bar.
~Author Unknown~

Valentine's Day
Is a wonderful way
To make "I love you"
Easy to say.


Dear Valentine, I send my love
within these words I write;
I send devotion, tender thoughts,
and moments of delight,
expressing all the warmth and joy,
each loving sweet caress,
with hopes and dreams that you shall find
along with happiness.

Dear Valentine, I send my heart,
affection, dear and true,
because this heart that is my own
belongs to only you.
I cannot tell in words alone
just all you mean to me,
and yet I send my fondest thoughts
that surely you shall see.

Love finds a way to touch a heart,
to set a world aglow;
'tis ever bright and beautiful;
I feel that you must know
how very special you've become
within this life of mine.
Once more today I send my love
to you - dear Valentine.

~Garnett Ann Schultz~

Resumos Relacionados

- Season Of Love. "valentine's Day Special"

- Música: Love Me Tender (inglês/português)

- St. Valentine's Story

- Valentine Day History

- The Star Crossed Lovers On Valentine's Day!

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