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* Love *
First of all "NO full stop please"

Love is still about trust and who you want to spend the rest of your life, I believe that in the space age, Love is simple Martian Formula ? LOVE, DETACH AND LOVE AGAIN, In the words of true ? ?Love is nothing but confusion for generation next?, it is the nonstop growing with happy life, Every thing in our life have the full-stop but love don't have that invisible long way journey, keep on going it never-ever ends,

Love ?used? to be the only four-letter word that was pure as it was passionate, But if we forget Cupid and roses in today?s times, it's more about instant gratification and poses, In the split nanosecond, lovers become aliens, aliens become lovers. Older and bolder, faster and feistier, love has changed beyond recognition, Even our popular culture is ?aerodynamically? redefining ?the way we love?,

Yet, people have chalked out their own love rules These people are rushed, overloaded, numbered and anaesthetized Love is being miniaturized in our imagination and culture, Love is an idiosyncrasy,

Everyone wants love on a platter, Love is something for instant gratification, with no investment, Nowdays nobody needs love for commitment, It's something easily misunderstood, The essence has just evaporated from love, Love in the times of masala movies are infantilizing the audiences with hyperopic love tales, It is real-life romance that is being genetically modified, This is simply because we are becoming progressive and open like never before,

Now, we are rewriting the rules of romance ? in a more human, forgiving and understanding ways, Ideals are out, Reality and truth are in, We are living our lives as we want to live them,

Even Stupid Cupid?s a changed man these days. He doesn?t fly around with his archaic bow and arrow, giving couples Love Protion Number Nine to help them mate for a lifetime. Even love needs management to make it painless and fail-proof,

We are living our lives as we want to live them, The rule is simple, Mother and father never know best, Because what they know has nothing to do with what we need to live in this century, Don?t you think so ?

He,She,his,her,him,their,all comes totally the word " We" human-beings we remain together only through "Love",

So, how do we redefine Love, what is more about Love see U in the next Love,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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