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The Lottery
(Beth Goobie)

Being a perfectly normal teenaged girl, Sal never dreamed that one day she'll become the lottery "winner" of Shadow Council, an organization in her school that holds a lottery every year. after winning the lottery, everything in Sal's life became up side down: no one the the school would talk to her, all her friends avoided her, and worst of all, Sal has to be part of the evil games Shadow plays on the studens of S.C.. Through her experieces, Sal learns about the ugly side of Shadow, that the members of it are just some shallow people who needs to be feared. While Sal's not at school, she discouvered the shocking truth about her dad's death and the connection between her brother, Shadow, and herself. Now it is all up to Sal to change the way things works, to a result that even Sal can't possibly know.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Forbidden Game (1-3)

- The Real And The Shadow

- The Real And The Shadow

- Among The Free

- Time Lottery

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