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Digital Fortress
(Dan Brown)

Digital Fortress

A masterpiece (The Da Vinvi Code) has made his earlier novels too popular among the masses. Though his earlier novel ?The Digital Fortress? itself is a classic thriller in its own way. But it stands nowhere near the Da Vinci Code, in keeping up the interest and suspense and thrill among the readers. We are surprised to find the mysterious situation of the super computer that watches everyone as The Big B. And as the novel proceeds we too like Susan ape at the sweeping discoveries. Dan Brown unveils the whole story in typical style of his own. The answer the is so simple?.and had been conveyed too them many a times in different ways?.but the search really brings home some startling discoveries. The book is just above the average-level and stands nowhere near his later novel ?The Da Vinci Code?. The reverse order of exploring Brown?s work as for any other author would leave the readers disappointed as the skill and craft his of much higher quality in the latter one. It also theme that has made his ?Code? more popular and much sought after novel even in the present time?..even after 2 years of the publication. ?Digital Fortress? is just an enjoyable thriller and holds no more interest other than that.

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- The Da Vinci Code

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- Digital Fortress - One Of Brown's Masterpiece

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- Digital Fortress

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