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Fahrenheit 451
(Ray Bradbury)

To rogo the books. The fire divora the pages of the humanity. It does not remain that ash. It is the future in the eyes of Ray Bradbdury. A future to we still far away, fortunately. Of sure, the writer American, already in 1954, year of publication of Fahrenheit 451, had characterized the indiscreet eye of the technology, than, at this rate, our movement will control every, like anticipated from Bradbury. The society of the future does not consider all equal ones from birth, but the Constitution fights, with its rules, in order to impose such equality. It is not an equality of rights, but of soprusi, if it is true that the Constitution does not admit that circles some book, and in order to avoid this has created, or better transformed, one new police enforcement: the National Fire Departments. The alert ones, than once they extinguished fires, hour must burn the books, hard to die. The Constitution aimed to a massificazione of the ignorance, to the discouragement of the intellectual, for being able to command in the passivity. With fervent imagination, the writer American, through the metaphor of the future society, reveals some plagues of the modern society, and invites to reflect on the importance of the free thought, on the necessity of the man to escape to every standardization. And then attention to the slogan from the strong persuasiva charge, but that they hide empty messages. The protagonist of the novel, Montag, succeeds to exit from the vicious circle of its passive days, discovers the fascination of the poetry, the novel, the full words, and becomes therefore one risen of revolutionary. But it will discover not to be single, and that the culture not morirà never. The man-book carries with himself this message. The thought, is the freedom that could not never be denied.

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