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(Melanie Engels)

Literatures with an apocalyptic theme are nothing new, and the Bible is full of them. All through the ages humanity has been reminded that this event is to be reckoned with. The description of the apocalypse in all narrations is of an earth-shaking kind and refers to the end of the world ? a scary proposal indeed. However, on reading the book ?The Cosmic Hierarchy and Its Endless Diversity?, by Melanie Engels, (available on Amazon.com) it was my understanding that even though some upheaval will occur it will not lead to total destruction of the earth and neither will all human life be exterminated as some literature lead us to believe. This was encouraging to be sure.
The book also points out several scientific misinterpretations about the world we live in, and of ?facts? humanity was made to believe without questioning that later often proved to be false ? and I believe this practice is still allowed to this day that permits some people to rake in money with false statements.
Her book also encourages all people to come to an agreement on how this monotheistic power we call God is to be perceived in order to reign in peace in the world. Most conflicts are rooted in religious misunderstandings suggesting that the other religion?s God must be somehow different - even though God is the same for all people, regardless of the religion they belong to. This God in all seriousness needs to be found.
I can only encourage the reader to read the book for him/herself as it addresses issues from new perspectives on old concepts. Her ideas may very well change the way the scientific community regards its data. Even if the reader may not agree with everything all at once it is guaranteed to make every reader rethink about old beliefs that were presented as the truth. It also gives a plausible conception of the direction humanity is headed. Forewarned is forearmed. Regina

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- Apocalypse

- The Cosmic Hierarchy And Its Endless Diversity

- Genesis

- The Cosmic Hierarchy And Its Endless Diversity

- A Chapter Of Life

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