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Paradise Lost
(John Milton)

john miltons paradise lost is an epic.the subect of miltons paradise lost is on the fall of man.miltons cosmology is based upon Galileo's astronomy coupled with ptolemy's notion of heaven,earth and hell.he drew most of the material from the bible and mythology on one side and new science and his own imagination on the other.the entire epic consists of 12 books.book (1-1V) is an account of the fallen angels.in this book satan resolves to have his revenge upon god by ruining the newly created race of man on earth in the form of Adam and Eve by god.in books (5-8) we are told why satan wanted to ruin mankind,the reason is a war in heaven resulting satans expulsion from heaven.in book (9-12) we read how satan takes his revenge and what are its consequences.to me the most interesting book out of the 12 is book number 9 where we read how satan takes his revenge.the center point of the novel is man fall through intemperance .adam and eve fall not because they ate the forbidden fruit but because its aphrodiasic qualities make them lust for each other and forget their reasonable love .the passion that link us to the beast should always be contrlloed by the reason that link us to god and which left free,gives us the power to choose between good and evil and makes oue obedience worth while.

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