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A View From The Bridge
(Arthur Miller)

Well. What can I say apart from that this is a very good book. It tells the story of a man, Eddie Carbone, who is an American citizen but who has Italian roots. When his wife Beatrice invited her 2 Italian cousins over as immigrants she never imagines it will lead to the death of her husband. Also living with the couple is Beatrice's niece Catherine, a 17 year old blossoming girl who Eddie has great feelings for, whether as a overprotected daughter figure of more, you decide! The 2 cousins, Marco and Rodolfo arrive ready and eager to work, Eddie seems to instantly get along with Marco the dark haired olive skinned typical Italian, but his younger brother Rodolfo, a blonde, light skinned squeaky-voiced boy of about 19 gives Eddie the "heeby-jeebys". Catherine at once falls in love with Rodolfo and Rodolfo doesn't argue but Eddie is convinced he is only with her for his passport. Eddie, obsessed by Catherine, cannot stand this, and although Catherine is partly to blame for his love for her as she willingly walks in front of him in her slip and rushes to hug and kiss him after a hard day at work, Eddie shouuld know that he must stop this love. Eddie throughout the play builds up his anger and even takes a swing at Rodolfo, pretending to teach him boxing although we suspect more. One night after Eddie has been drinking heavily Eddie kisses Catherine, getting to Rodolfo and then also kissing him as if to say "she's mine" and "you go for men rather than women". After all this, Catherine decides to marry Rodolfo and Eddie sees the only way to stop this is to ring the Immigration Bureau also knowing full well that the community will disown him and turn him away like his cousin Vinny Bolzano. He tells the "submarines" to move to the flat upstairs as he knows that when immigration come he doesn't want anything to do with them. As soon as the knock on the door arrives and the words "Immigration-Open up" are heard everyone turns to Eddie, he at once, slightly regretting his actions tells Catherine to get them out up the fire escape but its too late Marco and Rodolfo are caught and taken away. As they are dragged through the street the whole community look down on Eddie, disapprovingly. Marco spits into the face of Eddie shouting "animal, you murdered my children" referring to the fact that he can now no longer earn money in America to support his family. Rodolfo has the chance to stay in America as long as he marries Catherine within the week. Marco is allowed out on bail until the trial if he promises to stay away from Eddie, but Marco has been betrayed and there's no stopping him. Rodolfo rushes to warn Eddie and apologises for all the trouble and tells him Marco is coming. Eddie grabs a knife and goes out into the street to face Marco. The two circle each other until Eddie eventually dives in to attack Marco but Marco, being the stronger of the two turns the knife round and presses home while distraught women plee for Eddie's life. Eddie falls to the ground as the whole community watch, unsure of who is the real one to blame.

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