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Only if i knew what life was all about?
Life...oh...live live live to the maximum you can,
whatever life means, its still unknown to me,
Is there any rule set? Is there any format?
One is never satisfied with whatever one acquires
then how do you say you have lived it to the fullest?

At some point of time, it gives you all the happiness
and that makes you feel in heaven,
the very next moment you feel its a big burden.

well......take life as it comes to you,
live in your present, forget the past, that was yesterday,
foffcourse always carry the beautiful moments of yesterday,
think of tomorrow only to the extent that makes you feel good.
LIFE.... take it as it comes to you.

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- Happiness Is About Freedom, Are You Free

- Enhancing One?s State Of Being

- Caress

- Tomorrow?

- Time

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