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Author! Author!
(Dave Williamson)

I'm going to assume that the people who read on this site
are made up of mostly writers and avid readers by putting up my review
for this great book on authors.
For those of you who enjoy making a day of meeting famous
writers, having a chat, getting your books signed and perhaps even
swindling a few writing tips out of them but just don't have the time
to do it then fear not! Dave Williamson has done it all for you by
writing Author! Author! A
memoir of his many encounters with writers such as the Late John
Cheever, Pulitzer Prize winning Carol Shields and Margaret Atwood, and
that's not all! There are thirty four chapters jam packed with authors
he's met and interviewed. Their words of advice and a short story
Williamson wrote on the troubling truth for novelists.
I myself being a writer I tend to want to read books about
other authors, writing, and any kind of writing advice I can get my
hands on, this book did it.
Before I finished reading the book I found Williamson's
e-mail and sent him a piece of fan mail filled with my devotion for the
book. To my delight he responded a week later and thanked me for the
mail, asked what part of Canada I lived in and which store I came
across the book. I couldn't remember if I explained that I found the
book on the for sale table,
but if I did then I either insulted him and he never wrote back or just
lives a busy life and couldn't bring himself to respond the the
hundreds of letters I'm sure he received after the publication of the
Either way, it didn't matter because I still have the book, filled with
highlights I've made of my favorite quotes and tips in yellow, orange,
and pink. Go and read Author! Author!

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