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(Richard Bach)

"Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you".
Richard Bach
Illusions is, above everything else, a book about the capacity to believe, a life philosophy charged with magic and faith, a faith in the ability that every man has to do whatever he wants and be whoever he wants. Richard Bach tells us the story of a man like any other who meets a Messiah, himself a man like any other as well. And through the adventure that both share, flying from city to city, in their beloved biplanes, selling trips at three dollars for ten minutes in the air, Bach takes us from one ideal to the other, makes us believe in the impossible, like someone who tells a wonderful tale to a child who's just found out about fairies... and believes in them.
Written in a simple and unpretencious way Illusions appeals to the heart of us all. The author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull stays true to his very unique style and the fans of this kind of writing, that appeals to the greatness of the soul and to a philosophy of life that is often lost in the day to day reality, will not be disappointed.
What if the Messiah was to come to Earth? What if the answers to all of our questions were, after all, so simple that they were right in front of us the whole time but we simply refused to see? What if it was possible to control our reality with the power of the mind? What if we are really responsible for everything that happens to us? Starting from these questions and many others, equally important, Richard Bach tells his story and makes us believe, even if just for a few moments. And sometimes that is all a person needs: to close the eyes, smile and believe.

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