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Romeo And Juliet

Romeo and Juliet fell in love. Although their families had
been at odds with each other, they got married. When Romeo
killed Tybalt, he had to leave Verona. Juliet was desperate
that her beloved Romeo had to leave her. Her parents thought
that their doughter was sad because of the death of Tybalt,
so they decided to marry her to another young man named
Paris. Juliet didn't want to marry anybody again so she went
to Laurence who gave her a soporific. After that she looked
like she was dead. Laurence wrote a letter to Romeo because
he wanted him to come to Verona at the day when Juliet was
waking up. Unfortunately Juliet's brother, who was supposed
to deliver the letter to Juliet, was not able to get away
from the town and returned the letter back to Laurence.
Romeo arrived at Verona and went to see a grave of Juliet.
He met Paris there who wanted to fight with him. Romeo
killed Paris. When he walked up to his beloved Juliet and
saw her dead, he drank a poison and died. After a while
Juliet woke up and saw her beloved Romeo dead. Laurence came
into a tomb and wanted to persuade her no to kill herself
but she didn't listen to him. She took a dagger and commited
a suicide. After that the prince and families of the lovers
came. Laurence explained them the reason of the lovers'
suicide. After hearing that, both families who had been
feuding with each other for years, became reconciled.

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- Romeo And Juliet

- Romeo And Juliet

- Romeo And Juliet

- Romeo And Juliet

- Romeo And Juliet

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