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The Intelligent Judgement

The Intelligent Judgement
Once there lived a man. He was very rich but was a micer. He was doing rice business. Daily he went to the market to sell his rice. One day, after the business, he was about to go for purchase. During the journey he lost his money bag of 100 gold coins. He searched everywhere but could not find it.
He announced that he would present a reward of 10 gold coins to the finder of his money bag. After a few days, a poor farmer found that money bag, under a tree. He took the bag and went to the rich man and returned it and asked for the reward. But the rich man did not want to pay that amount. So, he made a trick. He said he had 110 coins in that bag and the bag was returned after the reward of ten gold coins. The farmer was very sad of this. He went to the head of this town and explained about the incident. The head of the town said that he would take care of it. He called the rich man and enquired about it. The rich man promised that the farmer had taken ten gold coins from that money bag and returned only hundred coins.
Then he asked the farmer about the purse and he said that there were only hundred gold coins and not hundred and ten gold coins as the rich man said. The head of the town asked the rich man again and he said the same thing.
Then he said, From your statements I understand that there are only hundred gold coins in this money bag and since your bag would be of hundred and ten gold coins, this bag is not yours. I order you to return the money bag, which contains only hundred coins. The rich man was shocked of this judgement and at the same time, he did not want to go back from his words. He said, I would give him twenty gold coins instead of ten gold coins. But the judge (head of the town) did not agree to that and again ordered him to return the money bag to the farmer. If you want to cheat others, surely you would be cheated.

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