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The Stranger
(Albert Camus)

This book probably has one of the most celebrated opening lines "Mother died today". The story begins with the protagonist talking about his mothers death and then traces certain events in the life of Mersault as he ends up killing a person. The trial that follows gives the reader a peep into Mersaults life and mind. Mersault is portrayed as someone who is disengaged from emotions and is consequently living an alienated life. Because, Mersault comes across as someone who takes a dispassionate view of everything (including the death of his mother), he doesn't adhere to 'normal' socially acceptable behaviour. From this condemnation springs Camus' existentialist philosophy. Mersault exists at the fringe of society. His story forces the reader to wonder whether Mersault is at the fringe of society or is there something wrong with the values of society. A never-ending philosophical discussion.......

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


