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Optimize Your Website
(Sumanta Mandal)

Use of META tag: META Tags are HTML tags which provide information that describes the content of the WebPages a user will be viewing. Search engines have recognized that website owners and administrators can use this resource to control their positioning and descriptions in search engine results. Many search engines have now incorporated reading META tags as part of their indexing formulas.

Clear knowledge about Search Engine Stability: Search engines often change their ranking and optimizing algorithms often and as a result may cause results to become unstable. So keep updated knowledge of the search engine.

ALT Image tag: If the WebPages use images, image maps or photos, you should make use of the ALT image tag. ALT image tags are an extension to images which displays alternative text for users who cannot read images (such as Search Engines). This is most beneficial with search engines that index full text, because you are now providing search engines a textual representation of your graphics and the ability to index more content about your website. The more images, the more advantage you have in using the ALT image tag, giving you room for more descriptions to include in search engines. This technique has shown to be quite effective, especially for users who have graphics at the top of their pages and with users who use a large number of images.

Avoid Hiding Text: Attempting to hide text on a webpage, either with small text or invisible text (by making the color of the text the same as the background) are considered as forms of spamming search engines. Many search engines index entire WebPages, and subsequently, invisible text or small text may seem to be a great advantage to try and get better listings. Search engines have realized this technique that many spammers have used and have set up numerous algorithms that will detect this form of abuse and either demote your rankings or ban your website all together.

Avoid Too Many Bridge Pages: A bridge, doorway or gateway page is a webpage which is intended to be indexed by a search engine which was created for the sole purpose of improving search engine rankings. Typically, a bridge page is a mirrored copy of another page but contains different Meta tags. These kinds of WebPages clutter search engines and deteriorates the quality of the database content. Many search engines will not tolerate these kinds of pages but when dealt in moderation (less than 3 bridge pages for your main company page) can help increase your rankings. The key phrase here is to avoid spamming search engines with irrelevant pages.

Avoid Page Redirects: Page redirects are essentially WebPages which will accept a user and then redirect them to another webpage. This is ultimately the same effect as a bridge page but nearly all search engines will not accept these types of redirects into their databases. Redirect pages are often implemented by using the META Refresh tag. Many search engines will delete your WebPages or refuse indexing any WebPages which have the Refresh META tag. If your site has moved, add your new URL to the search engines and delete the old URL; avoid using the META Refresh tag or server side redirects.

Use descriptive keywords in the titles helps increase search engine rankings. Most search engines extract your title HTML tag when reporting your website in search results to users. This is often the phrase that a user will read and will use this to decide whether to click through to visit your website. As a result, webmasters should use their title tags to their advantage to pull the attention of users. Avoid vague usage of titles and include as much relevant information and descriptions as possible that a user needs to know about your site. Remember, this is probably the only sentence that a user will see when they decide whether or not to click through.

International Alternates of Your Site: The greatest advantage which is probably available from using international languages on your web pages is actually provided by the search engine effect. Not only will your pages be indexed in search engines, but you will also qualify to be indexed under local countries search engines (i.e.: language specific versions of Excite, Yahoo, etc.). For example, if you offer a Spanish version of your content, you can submit your site to the Spanish versions of the top search engines and probably get a high ranking in comparison with the English equivalent market. Considering that most international markets are not saturated, getting ranked high in search engines is not a difficult task as opposed to the English versions. Different search engines may have different policies for international sites and may require you to visit their site directly to submit.

Maximizing Your Ad Loads: If your WebPages makes use of advertisements, you want to ensure that the most ads are displayed to your users. However, if users use the back button on their browser to navigate back on your site, chances are they won't see a new ad on reloading an old page. You can overwrite these default settings by using one line of HTML code which will tell a user's browser not to cache your page(s), thereby forcing them to reload the page again including viewing a new ad.

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- Metasearch Engine

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