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As A Man Thinketh
(James Allen)

This book is kind of autobiographical as in the author presents his views on the power of thinking. He has arrived at these views after a lot of analysis, introspection, reflection and meditation.

In fact, it would be right to call it a booklet, instead of a book. The theme of the book is the power of thoughts. The author tells us that our outer world is a manifestation of our thinking. And if we want to change our outer world, we have to bring about a change in our thinking.

He also tells us that sickness, health, happiness, sorrow, opulence and poverty are all a manifestation of the thinking process going on within an individual. If we are able to think good and noble thoughts we will end up growing both spiritually and materially.

It was validating what I had always unconsciously believed. But it also told me so many things that I like reading it again and again. The language is pretty high and also expressed in a slightly complex manner. Nonetheless, it is an interesting read. Something that I keep going back to again and again.

The author tells us that we attract, not what we desire, but what we are. So we have to be constantly improving ourselves to create results and outcomes of our desire.

This booklet is about thoughts and is thought provoking. We should keep visiting it at periodic intervals. Every time we read it, we will get some fresh perspective towards things.

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