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Interpreter Of The Maladies
(Jhumpa Lahiri)

?Interpreter of the Maladies? is a collection of short stories by a second generation Indian born and brought up in America. The author, Jhumpa Lahiri, hails from the part of India known as West Bengal. In this collection of stories, she explores the psyche and world of Bengalis in Boston, Bengal and beyond.

Different stories highlight different experiences of the people of Bengal. ?A Temporary Matter? talks about an independent woman ending her marriage and venturing into life, while ?Mrs. Sen? speaks about the aspirations of a recently married Bengali girl and her attempts to adjust to American society. There are a few stories like ?The treatment of Bibi Haldar? that is set purely in Bengal, while there are those like ?The gentleman from East Pakistan? that speak about the travails of a man who is torn by the war back home. There are some stories like ?The Blessed House? that explore the lives of a young couple, while ones like ?The Third and Final Continent?, that are touching stories of a couple residing in America for three decades.

Jhumpa Lahiri?s ability to capture the mental make-up of immigrants and natives is unique. Her eye for detail is remarkable. Her languid pace makes for pleasant reading. In seemingly simple stories, she has attempted to portray the triumphs and travails of the immigrant Bengali community in America in particular and the lives of immigrants at large.

Intepreter of Maladies fetched for Jhumpa Lahiri the Pulitzer prize of 2000.

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