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Boost Up Your Self Confidence
(Khurshid Alam)

To Succeed At Being Yourself, Build and Boost Up Your Self-Confidence

What you dream haunts you day and night and you are pushed to the goal you might have visioned. To a visionary the goal splashes in the spectrum as a dream and he is attracted to it. On reaching to the goal he is known to have been destined to!

But who dreams of a goal, who has the gut to vision a destination of his own? Maybe only a few in a hundred! There are very few persons who have the courage to dream and act on the goal with patient perseverance. Who are such persons? Who are so courageous but to taste the sweat fruit of patient perseverance in the long run?

Only those who have self-confidence. The self confident people are daring and have the ability to turn the dream into reality. What is the self confidence in the real sense? For many persons may claim to be self-confident? Isn?t it? Self confidence is an igniting power which inspires you to act on a target continuously. It boosts up your morality and self competence and you deliver.

A person sans self confidence lacks dignity, lacks integrity and self respect. Such a man cannot get a boost from inside his spirit and consequently cannot believe in his own ability. He cannot compete with others. He is always in the gloom that he may run out in the race. To such a person the race itself seems a mere rat-race. But to a visionary the race is a challenge and only a self confident man can take up the gauntlet without fear.

Truly a self-confident is the real powerful man. For he is a man who gauges his strength, knows where his skill lies, what his expertise is and so on. He knows what his pitfalls are and he is well conscious how to boost himself. As he is self conscious he strives towards shunning off the pitfalls and gains mastery over the field he was once back.

Thus his demerits are always on-the-downscale. He is ever on the escalator for moving up the rung. He knows how to achieve mastery in a field, how to manage to succeed in a given situation, how to achieve the target and how to host the flag of success. Therefore a self confident man is always on the winning edge. In fact the world is full of only successful and self-confident men.

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