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You And Me

The smartest thing I ever did was fall in love with you. When I was a child I loved soaring through the air on a swing and believing I could touch the sky. I haven't forgotten the thrill of those moments and I experience anew that same kind of wonder and excitement every time you hold my hand. There is no more perfect way to start the day than spending time with you. Your smile fills the morning with warm comfort, and I love looking forward to more of the same tomorrow. No matter how many times or ways I tell you I love you, I'll never be able to express just how deeply I care for you. For centuries men and women around the globe have loved one another. Great works of art, song, and literature spring from this powerful emotion I now share with you. Together, we can make our own loving legacy. Everything seems sweeter when you're with me. A serving of your smile or a shared moment of laughter is a precious gift I will never stop enjoying. You always know how to make each day a celebration for us. Whether it's an evening out on the town or at home playing board games, I can't imagine life without you. It doesn't matter what we do; so long as we both are together it will be something wonderful. It's plain to see that knowing you has made me a better person. I don't mind if the whole world knows how special you make me feel because you chose to love me too. I like to think we're a lot like music-sometimes lively and fun, and other times slow and serious, occasionally flirty and loud, but always in harmony with each other. Your small surprises, kind words, simple pleasures, and thoughtful gestures always brighten my outlook. When you smile, I share your joy. When you are hurt, I ache for you. When you laugh, I delight in you. When you fail, I lift you up. And when you look at me, You will see how deeply I love you too.

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