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Ark Angel
(Anthony Horowitz)

Ark angelAlex Rider had been shot in the ribcage and was now in hospital receiving treatment he had been there for two weeks and had had lots of get better cards. A nurse came up and asked if Alex required a sleeping pill, Alex replied saying no and drifted of to sleep. At about twelve o'clock Alex woke up and decided to have a breath in the London air. When Alex gets down he hears footsteps and hides he suddenly sees three men come and asked the receptionist whether Paul Drevin was in room nine but the receptionist said you couldn't sees anyone at night the person said I'll kill you then so he says yes but all the same he kills him. Alex goes into room nine and swaps the numbers on the door. The men come and fight Alex and run around the whole building till they get AlexAlex finds out this group are eco-terrorists. They almost cut his thumb off but he had proved he was not Paul and so they lock him up and burned the flat. Alex finds out that he can break the roof and when he finishes he goes to a window and walks on a piece of string, a Fireman rescues halfway Alex.Nikoley Drevin [Paul's father] invites Alex to come and stay for a week and watch a space shuttle to take off to Ark Angel space hotel. Alex Rider goes but Jack goes to Washington to celebrate her parent's twenty-fifths wedding anniversary. Alex is driven to Chelsea's football ground to see his favourite football team play Nikoleys best team [which he has bought] Chelsea win 2-1 but at the end Alex sees the Eco-terrorists who kill the captain of the other team.Alex is taken with Paul and Nikoley Drevin to the U.S, after that they'll go to see the shuttle take of on an island. Nikoley gets through without queuing but Alex's passport is two days out of date.Alex Rider goes to the CIA who says Nikoley Drevin is a killer and after a day Nikoley takes Alex to an island where he is going to see the rocket take off shortly. Nikoley offers Alex to explore a boat wrecked at the bottom of the sea. An experienced scuba driver comes with Alex. The person locks Alex inside a room of the ship but one of Nikoley Drevin's workers saves him telling Alex he's from the CIA.Alex and the worker are found at night trying to spy on what Mr. Drevin is doing. Nikoley Drevin tells Alex that the shuttle has a bomb that will blast Ark angel the space hotel on to Washington DC. They are put in cages but the worker has diamond sharp shoelaces. Alex goes and skies over the water to Barbados to get help.The CIA get to him on a boat and say to him that he must go into space and put the bomb down the toilet. Alex did it but has to fight someone. He got in the shuttle and back to Earth, he landed in Australia; Alex was back.

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