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Interview With A Vampire
(Anne Rice)

It was Bram Stoker's "Dracula" novel that first equated blood sharing with sex, and in Rice's work, sex is entirely replaced by feeding - a love that must inevtiably bring death.

A bit about the plot. A young reporter called Daniel is offered an interview with a man who claims to be a vampire. At first daniel is sceptical, but as the evening wears on, he begins to change his mind. The man who talks to him is a vampire called Louis, who had once been a plantation owner. brought down by despaire after the loss of a loved one, Louis has no desire to live, but when a vampire offers him an eternal life of death, he takes this. The vampire is Lestat. There is a strong love hate bond between these two - Louis fears, loathes and adores the vampire who changed him, and in this first novel, you don't get much insight into how Lestat feels about Louis. Their little family is completed when, between them, they make a child Vampire, Claudia. Seeking to escape from Lestat, Claudia and Louis attempt to kill him, flee to the old world, where they meet the paris vampires, and their grotesque theatre. Armand offers Louis the answers he has long been craving, but Armand is jealous of Claudia, and seems to know something of Lestat.

"Interview" is far darker than the other books, which follow the escapades of Lestat. Louis is a troubled soul, filled with angst, guilt and awkward questions. He retains too much of his humanity and does not cope well with the continual feeding. Sting captures Louis well in "Moon over Bourbon street." "Why must it be this way, when I pray to god above, why must I love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love...."

I would strongly recomend this book, although I would warn you that it is very bleak in places, and very depressing.

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