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Queen Of The Damned (third Volume Of The Vampire Chronicles)
(Anne Rice)

Some books are very hard to form an educated opinion about. "Queen of the Damned" is one of them.

I liked this novel, but I certainly didn't love it. I am hooked on Anne Rice's vampire series, but I hope "Queen of the Damned" is only a speed bump and not an indication of how the rest of these novels are going to go. In my opinion, the writing quality has gone downhill drastically since her masterful "The Vampire Lestat". I found myself plodding along though this novel, trying to muster up some interest in what these characters were doing. It was very difficult at times, but I did finish it and will come back for more.

The side plots and flashback stories were much more interesting than the current "crisis" these characters were facing. I very much enjoyed the introductions and background stories of Jesse, Daniel, Maharet, Baby Jenks, and most of the other characters introduced here, and I hope to see more of them in books to come. Anne Rice has an abundance of gifts when it comes to creating a wide-reaching world for her creations, and for that alone she deserves applause.

My biggest beef with "Queen of the Damned" is the unfortunate fact that this is now the third "origin" of the vampires we've been subjected to, and Rice doesn't do herself any favors by reinventing her mythos in each of the first three novels in this "world". I am growing a bit weary of Lestat becoming more and more powerful with each successive book as well, and I wasn't too thrilled with the Akasha character having power and strengths far beyond anything remotely attached to the "vampire" mythos. As I mentioned before, I liked the introduction of so many interesting characters, but I feel as if I've read three novels in a row that all seem like a prologue to something else.

As I understand it, this was the novel that "sparked" Rice into writing this series more frequently and regularly, so hopefully subsequent books will have more continuity after getting the "origin" books out of the way.

"Queen of the Damned" gets three stars from me. This simply doesn't hold a candle to the first two works.

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- Queen Of The Damned

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