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Short Story,,the Bolt From The Blue!.. Part1
(mukesh j rao)

Short story

The bolt from the blue

The watch man at rai?s mansion woke up with a start. He was hearing the noises clearly now. The rustle of the leaves of the bushes under the balcony. He searched for his cane which was hung inside his cabin. It was not to be found. His heartbeat increased. He gathered some courage and went near the bushes. He heard someone running towards the compound wall. ?Stop!? He ran behind the silhouette looking to jump over the wall. ?Don?t jump! You?ll die!? The figure stopped for a moment. Lakhia jumped on the intruder and caught him. He could not see the face clearly. He dragged him and brought near the courtyard. ?Choti Malkin!? His face froze.
?What happened malkin? Why are you doing this? Tell me malkin! I won?t tell anyone.?
?Go away, you fool. Let me go. ?
?No. I can?t do this. I?ll have to report to sahib. I can?t let you go malkin.?
?See, I?m warning you. If you don?t let me go now, I?ll?.I?ll?Just let me go you idiot!?
She bit his arm heavily and escaped while lakhia screamed in pain.
He rang the door bell. Rai opened the door.? Lakhia? What?s the matter? Are you all right??
?Maalik?your daughter choti maalkin?..?
?What happened lakhia? What happened to her??
?Maalik...She just ran away! Just now ?
?What? Are you mad? Have you been drinking lately? ?And ran inside.
?No maalik...Check for yourself. She ran in front of my own eyes. Just now maalik.?
?Priya! Priya! Are you there??
?Yes dad? What?s the matter? Why is everyone awake? Mummy? What?s going on??
?Oh that lakhia. He?s been imagining things and disturbing all of us here. Lakhia! See here. Priya is here in front of you and me. Do you see here? Now whom did you see running? Ah? Tell me. Speak up!?
?Maalik...umm.er...maalik I really saw choti maalkin jumping over the wall. When I stopped her, she bit my hand and ran away. See the marks of her teeth are still here maalik. See...?
His hand was bleeding like hell. ?Oh! You are bleeding severely lakhia. Come in. you need a plaster. Anyway, now relax and calm down. Okay? Let?s talk tomorrow. Bring your chair and sit near the door itself if you feel scared or something. Come on priya get in. Its 1o?clock.
Soon it was 7 am and rai went up to the gate to check out Lakhia?s state. He was not in his usual seat.
?Ramlal! Have you seen lakhia? ?
?No sahib. I haven?t seen him since morning?
?What? Where has he gone??
He checked in the store house, the garage, the portico, the terrace, but he was nowhere to be seen.
?Chotu! Have you seen lakhia anywhere?? he asked the neighborhood grocer who was about to open the shutters of his shop.
?Lakhia? Yes, morning, while I was returning from shiv mandir, I saw lakhia running towards the lake. He looked very scared. When I asked him, he didn?t even turn back! He just went on! Whats the matter sahib? Is everything okay??

The lake was not far away. It was just near the city tank which the corporation had built just three months back. Rai rushed towards the lake.
?Arey sahib. Why are you running? Whats the matter?? many people asked.
?Lakhia! Are you there? Lakhia!?
?I hope he has not done anything disastrous. Was I too harsh on him yesterday??
He reached the lake. No one was there nearby.
He pulled up his trousers and went in the water.? Has he drowned? I hope not?
Suddenly he thought. ?Why should I be so worried of lakhia? Huh? Am I his relative? He?s just a servant of mine! If he?s gone, why should I worry? There are other 100 people lined up for his job! Let me return home. I must have been crazy to search all around the town for a silly watchman!?
He reached home in 5 minutes. The gate was closed. He opened it, reached the door and ringed the bell.
?Yes? Coming. Who?s it in this time of the day??
?Lakhia??? You? What are you doing here in my house? And..and how dare you wear these clothes? And my watch? Lakhia! Get out! Where?s my wife? Sheela! Where are you??
?Excuse me. Who are you? I didn?t recognize you.?
?What? Wait let me tell you who I am!? Rai was furious. He rushed inside only to find lakhia?s wife and his two sons having breakfast and the dining table. ?You? You crook of a woman! What the hell are you doing here? Get out! Where?s my wife? Sheila! Where are you???
?Hey you old man! How dare you enter my house? Get out you rogue. You must be drunk! Get away you drunkard. Don?t you feel ashamed to behave like this? Watchman! Watchman! Get this fool out of here. Throw him out!?
The watchman came running.
?Rai sahib!? he was shocked.

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