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The Fatal Sugession

Long ago, there lived a poor family. They had to work hard for their daily food. They had
no shelter for them. They were traveling most of the days. Whenever they found some place
to live, they used to be there for sometime. They were leading the life in that way.
The head of the family was very old and his wife also was not young. They had one son.
He was strong though he was not educated. But he loved his parents and he was always
helping his parents.
One day, they started to travel to a city from a village. They were very tired and wanted
to have some rest before further travel. When they woke up, they saw a donkey, which was
sitting very close to them. It was very friendly with them and never moved from there.
When they started again, it followed them. Then the three took the donkey also with them.
While they were walking through a city, they saw many people. A person from that group
said, Sir, You are aged and your wife is also aged. Why are you walking?. One of you can sit
on the donkey and travel. The aged man thought that would be better. So, the man sat on the
donkey and they continued traveling. After some distance, they met another person. He said,
Sir, you are a man and you have better strength and you can walk. She is a weak lady and it
would be appropriate for you to make her sit on the donkey. Then the man thought of it and
felt what he said was correct. He got down from the donkey and asked his wife to sit on the
donkey. After this, they were traveling further. Again after some distance, another man
who was watching this said, Sir, You are your wife are very aged and you have seen everything
in your life. You have only one child. You have to think of his future. He looks very
weak. Please ask him to sit on the donkey. Then the stranger left the place. The aged man
thought that was correct and asked his only son to sit on the donkey and continued their
journey. At last they saw a main road and while they were about to reach there, a man came
with a dog in his hand and said, Sir, Please excuse me for saying like this. We are human
and we can withstand anything. But see that tired donkey. It looks very tired and thirsty.
We should be kind to the animals. They are very poor. After this he passed them. The man
thought about it and felt it was correct. The donkey had walked all the distance and it
should be very tired. Then he carried the donkey. Since it was heavy, all three carried it
and came to the main road. Suddenly the donkey jumped from them and ran from there. Alas!
It was hit by a bus and died on the spot.
From this story we learn that we should not listen to the unwanted sugessions from others.
When we receive a sugession from anyone, first we have to think of it and we must come to
the conclusion whether it is correct or not before implimenting it.

Resumos Relacionados

- Pride Goes Before A Fall

- The Runaway Donkey

- Fabulous Animal

- Fabulous Animal

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