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What Is Society?

Whenever we talk of anything, we often use the word society. If you wear a coat
and a half pant, atonce the others would say, What the society would think of you. In
other words, we always care for the society. In fact, what is society? Society means, a
group of persons. That is all. When we think of the society, we respect the society and
try to live in accordance with the society. The fact is that is no society at all. Each
and every one make the society. If you take a group of people, there would be persons
with different ideas and views.
It is always difficult to impliment the sugessions by the society. Since many persons
have many sugessions, practically it is not possible for us to follow them. We have to
decide the right views and sugessions from them and if it is possible, we can try to follow
them to certain extent. If you are happy, the society would be there to share your happiness.
But at the same time, you can not expect the so called society to be with you when you are in
trouble. There would be no one to help you, except the persons who are really interested
in you personally. But we can not call them as society.
There are people who lookafter them only. There are people who care for others. We can not
depend the society for our help. Even a blind man has to wait for a long time to cross the
road. It would not be possible for him to cross the road unless he finds a person, who can
help him to cross the road. There are only a few people, who offer help to others.
We have to be very kind and and we must have the helping tendency to others. There are
many factors in helping others. In many countries, the rules are formed like that. For
example, a person, who wants to help others, does not want other troubles to him. In an
accident, if a person helps to an injured person by taking him to the hospital, that should be the
end. But that is not the case. You have to answer to the authorities of the hospitals, and
you have to answer to the police and you have to attend the case as a witness, in which
no one would be interested. This is one of the reasons that it is a problem to find
persons who have the desire to help. At the same time, we can not blame them also. Since
it is their duty to collect all the needed informations, we can not avoid them also.
We should keep our mind fit to face all these, while helping others. If we think and live
in this style, we can see a very good helping society soon.

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