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The Real And The Shadow

One evening, a wolf was wandering near a mountain. The sun was about to set in west. By that time the sun rays passed through the wolf. There was a shadow on the rock. The wolf saw its shadow and it was really a big one. The wolf thought that it was its shadow and he was very glad to see the size of his shadow. He felt that it was his fault that he did not understand his size and strength. Then he decided not to fear of any animals. He had the view that other animals would fear of him because of his size and they would run away. He created complex in his mind and he was certain that he was superior than other aninals. While he was coming back, he saw a lion on the way. He stood his ground and thought the lion would run away. But, the lion jumped on the wolf and killed him. We should understand what is real and what is false imagination.

Resumos Relacionados

- Mr Dongguo Mr.a Wolf

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- The Act Counts, Not The Appearance

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