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The Life Saver

Once there lived a dove, in a tree, which was in a forest. He was the head of his family. He was very kind with his family members and he was very active. He liked good animals only. He thought everyone should live with love and affection.
One day he was sitting in a branch of that tree, and teaching lessons to his children.
Suddenly he saw an ant in the water, under the tree, struggling for its life. He wanted to help him to save his life. Immediately, he plucked a leaf from the tree, and dropped it into the water. The ant was also seeing the dove throwing the leaf. Atonce, the ant grabed the floating leaf and escaped from its death. The ant thanked the dove for saving his life. But the dove said that it was its duty to save a life, when he could do it. They became close friends afther the incident.
Days passed away. One day, a hunter came to the forest and he wanted to hunt animals for his food. He saw the dove and he wanted to shoot him for his food. He had an arrow and a bow with him. The dove was not aware of that. The hunter aimed the dove with his arrow. But the ant which was running under the tree noticed and gave a danger signal to the dove. But he could not understand the signal. The ant acted swiftly and gave a strong sting at the middle finger of the leg of the hunter. Because of this act, the aim of the arrow, lost its direction and narrowly passed by the face of the dove. Then the dove flew away. It thanked the ant for his kindness. But the ant replied that it was its responsiblity to save the life of the saver. Both lived happily.

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